Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Don't Remember Writing...

Last night Poe found something rather interesting.

I know I'm Poe but who are these other two guys? As long as they don't steal my cookies, it's all good.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Ugly Fight

Okay it wasn't really a fight, but we're Ugly here, right?

When Wedgehead found out that another Ugly had come to HIS Uglytown, he wanted to meet him straight away.

As soon as he started to walk up to the stranger he saw it...could it be! No...he had a wedge head. Well yes, he was green, a bit chunky and real name was Pointy Max but that wedge head was hitting Wedgehead hard.
Wedgehead walked up to Pointy Max...he tried to be strong but...

...Would this impostor take over Wedgeheads job of holding the doors in place?!
Wedgehead fell to the ground. Too many questions.