Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Uglyworm Goes To A Birthday Party

On the weekend, Uglyworm was "invited" to a birthday party. Well, really he was just brought along...shhh don't tell anyone he was there.

Like the birthday card he made? Very ugly.
Are these peanut M&Ms all there is for food? If so, I'm going to shrink and die!

Don't go into the light! He isn't an insect, but he's still attracted to shiny things.

Uglyworm was very excited about present time, until I told him that none of them were for him...
Oh present time! Is this little on here for me?

When cake time came, Uglyworm thought he could be sneaky and be the first to get a slice, or maybe even the whole thing?
Getting closer now...
Just a bit closer...it's almost all mine! Ha ha ha!

I took this just before he put his slimy worm face all over it. Then I cut him a slice.
A cake with flowers!? Double yum yum!

We had a good time.

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