Wednesday, September 22, 2010

UglyWorm and Icebat Go To The Park

Today me, Icebat and Uglyworm walked to the park to work on some papers.

With the wind making the pages fly everywhere, I made Uglyworm and Icebat hold the pages down.
Uglyworm go the math book. Math? Where's the fun in math?

Can we go home now? What time is it?

Icebat grew so bored he couldn't stand up to the wind and feel over. Poor guy. Bless his heart.

Finding a tree to hang in he quickly grew happy again. Wee.

Hmmm yum yum, left overs. Looks like other worms beat ya to it Uglyworm...

He decided to munch on some grass instead.

There was a beach at the park and Icebat was the first to go in.

Once I saved Icebat from drowning he decided he wanted to make a "sand angel", but all he ended up making was a circle.

Wow, you guys look like you're on holiday. Postcard material eh?

Uglyworm bet he could beat Icebat to the water but they both chickened out in the end. Crazies...

Before leaving the beach, Icebat found a "cave" in the sea wall...Uglyworm tried to get him to come out.

Uglyworm is very eco friendly.

Time to go, awww, look how cute.

Just before we were about to leave the Uglys spotted a play ground.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tonight Tray found a flower. Well, a fake rose but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Shhh...

Tonight I thought I'd introduce you to the newest member of our family, Icebat. He's been here awhile now but has been hiding. Took me forever to drag him out from behind the peanut butter jar.

Tonight, just as I thought, Wedgehead is back to being his happy self. Stealing cookies and such, just as he was doing when I snapped this picture.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cheering Up Wedgehead

Wedgehead has been feeling depressed lately. So tonight I tried to cheer him up with some poppy 80s tunes from back to the 80s night on the radio. Uglycorn was glad to record. This is what happened...

Now, this being quite a sad video I was not going to post it. Wedgehead has told me he just wants the world to know how he feels at the moment. Because tomorrow he'll be back to eating cookies and being happy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Uglyworm, Tray and Uglycorn Go To Ikea

Yesterday when Uglyworm, Tray and Uglycorn heard of a trip to Ikea they ran to the car as fast as they could, Uglycorn carrying Uglyworm of course...

In the car, safety first Uglys.

Uglyworm thought he'd be safer in the cup holder. Silly worm, cup holders are for cups.

Switching cars, he found himself next to a Snapple glass. Trying to start a conversation with it only made the car ride more awkward...

We're here! Tray was so excited by this that she jumped into the cart.

Figuring out that we'd get one once we were inside, she wanted me to take her picture with the logo before going in.

In the elevator, she found a sign about something that interested her. Food, of course.

We had a return to do before getting started. All that driving made Uglyworm tired so he rested on the bench while the return was being made.

Going to get the cart and finally start shopping, he spotted chocolate. Wait until after lunch...

Cookies! I said after lunch Uglyworm...

Borrow? Hmmm...I'll just take five...

Tray found something fun...

Uglyworm found some glasses for him famous dinner parties.

I don't see anyone cooking? When's lunch?

Uglycorns favorite department. The eating part of it of course, who likes to cook?

The Uglys waiting for the "taxi" to take them to food.

Emergency exit? Does it lead to food?

With so many people around that could see him, Uglycorn tried to hide. We can still see you...

Yes, something in the cart! Lunch time now?

Uglyworm had a thing for sharp objects, we quickly moved him back into the cart.

Being with all those boys made Tray just want a girl place to relax. She found one soon enough.

Can I eat that?
Better Uglycorn but we can see still see you...

This window is scary...

Who put the cupcakes in jail?

Waiting for lunch was more work than Tray thought it would be. So she decided to take a little nap on one of the displays. No time to nap Tray...

Uglycorn found a map and wondered where the cafe was. Almost lunch time...

Tray was a bad influence on Uglworm, he started to fall asleep on a display as well. Come on guys...

Uglycorn was still trying to find a place to hide...

Beer glass! Can we get one?

Delivery? Why couldn't we just have ordered the stuff?

Finally, food! You'd have thought the Uglys hadn't eaten in months the way they reacted when they saw the sign.

You call yourself a worm? Bring it buddy.

More girly things made Tray happy.

Waiting for food is hard so Tray needed to sit down.

Tea time. But be careful Uglyworm, you could drown in one of these cups.

Time for lunch! Uglyworm told me we MUST get the cake.

Dessert first.

At the table now Uglyworm posed next to our food. Potato Chedder soup.

Hmmm, Swedish Meatballs.

Tray is a big believer in dessert first.

Hey, who ate all the soup?

Moving onto the cake, he was disappointed to find someone had already taken bite and flew off somewhere to (try) to hide.

Check it out. IKEA FOOD.

Uglycorn was so upset about not getting any cake that he tried to fly away and get some more. I promised him a brownie when we get home and he came back.

Uglyworm felt very big looking over "Stockholm".

More leaves, edible?

These ones must be? Nope. Unless you're on a plastic diet, I wouldn't eat those Uglyworm.

We just ate. You're three inches tall, how much food can you eat?

Waiting to go back downstairs, Uglyworm was happy now that he'd eaten and jumped in a bowl for a cute picture.

Really? Just because you can't see us doesn't mean we can't see you...

Tray found a bed that would suit her.

The mirrors may have been Uglyworms favorite part of Ikea, apart from the cafe. Looking good.
Now you're not even trying Uglycorn.

Though we had just ate, Tray was hungry again. She does have to power three brains...
I know it's been a "long hard day" for you Uglyworm, but don't go toward the light!

Uglycorn found a "magic" lamp, not as magical as him of course.

Thinking we were in Ikea for years, Uglyworm thought he'd move into a new "house".

Tray found someone almost as cuddly as her.

Let it go Uglycorn...just let it go...

Uglycorn has a thing for sweet things...

Uglyworn loved the meatballs at lunch and nearly cried when he saw that you could buy some to take home and I said no.

Uglycorn found the only Swedish thing he knew about.
On the way back home, everyone was full and with little reading ,ready for a nap.

Though, with Uglyworms complaining of being jammed in the middle and about the sun in his face, it was hard to sleep.