Saturday, September 11, 2010

Uglyworm and the Staples Adventure

Today Uglyworm and me decided to go to Staples to get some "artsy fartsy" things, as Uglyworm puts it.

So we were off...

Are we there yet?

Yes! Let's go!

Uglyworm needed a picture or this historic moment.

Ooooo, these are fun. But not what we're looking for.

Uglyworm found a sketch book for me. Good job buddy.

Uglyworm suggested we get some Crayons. He had a plan.

We found a ruler and I showed Uglyworm how small he is. He was quite disappointed.

That's pretty cool but let's go find some pencils.

Like these?

Uglyworm got confused with real pencils and cardboard ones.

Being confused made him tired so he took a little snooze.

Wakey wakey, it's time to go, but can we get some candy first?

Leaving the store Uglyworm found a strange sign. This place can save you from going back to school?!

Check out our loot. Uglyworm, king of the artsy fartsy stuff.

We didn't get any candy so Uglyworn insisted on going to Dunkin' Donuts

Where's my order? Coming Uglyworm.

Hmmm, nom nom. Nice and cold and refreshing.

Now how do I get up to the straw?

When we got home Uglyworm told me of his plan.

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