Wednesday, September 22, 2010

UglyWorm and Icebat Go To The Park

Today me, Icebat and Uglyworm walked to the park to work on some papers.

With the wind making the pages fly everywhere, I made Uglyworm and Icebat hold the pages down.
Uglyworm go the math book. Math? Where's the fun in math?

Can we go home now? What time is it?

Icebat grew so bored he couldn't stand up to the wind and feel over. Poor guy. Bless his heart.

Finding a tree to hang in he quickly grew happy again. Wee.

Hmmm yum yum, left overs. Looks like other worms beat ya to it Uglyworm...

He decided to munch on some grass instead.

There was a beach at the park and Icebat was the first to go in.

Once I saved Icebat from drowning he decided he wanted to make a "sand angel", but all he ended up making was a circle.

Wow, you guys look like you're on holiday. Postcard material eh?

Uglyworm bet he could beat Icebat to the water but they both chickened out in the end. Crazies...

Before leaving the beach, Icebat found a "cave" in the sea wall...Uglyworm tried to get him to come out.

Uglyworm is very eco friendly.

Time to go, awww, look how cute.

Just before we were about to leave the Uglys spotted a play ground.

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